
NAPS welcomes all families to apply. You do not need to be a military family to attend NAPS. Enrollment is based on availability and our admissions categories, which prioritize active-duty military families; families of USNA employees; families whose parents are employed by the Departments of Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security; and families of retired military personnel. However, we have many Annapolis-area families with no connection to the military or the federal government. We accept applications throughout the school year.
While enrollment fluctuates from year to year, preschool classes at NAPS average 12-18 students. Kindergarten classes have an average of 16 students, and grades 1 through 5 average 18 students per class. Total school enrollment is approximately 313 students.
NAPS is a private school that enjoys a close relationship with the U.S. Naval Academy. However, it is an independent organization and does not fall under the Superintendent of the Naval Academy or the Department of Defense. The Head of School and the NAPS Board of Trustees are responsible for the management of the school. NAPS is an accredited member of the Association of Independent Maryland Schools.
SAVVAS curriculum (K-8) implements project based learning as a cumulative assessment/ project at the end of each unit. These projects incorporate problem solving, inquiry, and self motivation for learners to extend and remediate skills (as needed on their level).
Creative Curriculum (PreK 3-5) promotes student inquiry with daily questions and exploring the world around the students. Each student is given opportunities to problem solve in developmental centers with their peers and explore their peers’ viewpoints.
The Mindfulness curriculum focuses on personal viewpoints and provides students with the language to communicate needs, wants, and different opinions in calm, respectful ways.
Preschool STEM Days and Discovery Centers focus on critical thinking and problem solving using STEM practices with proposed problems and open ended ways to solve them.
FOSS Science is focused on hands-on exploration incorporating experiments and real life situational learning.
Glencoe Teen Health was the textbook selected for all middle school students and they will take Health during the winter months at school. The curriculum addresses the significant physical and emotional change for students while finding ways to cope. Health class is considered a safe space where students can feel supported and safe. This class is taught by the physical education teacher.
Schoolwide initiatives include Unity Day: Stand Up Against Bullying, and monthly Dress Down Days raise money and awareness for various charities and the people benefitting from them (ex: U.S. Marshal’s Survivor Benefit Fund, Fish for a Cure, Autism Awareness). Field trips to the Naval Academy, the Baltimore Symphony, the Baltimore Zoo, Williamsburg, a Spirit Week around the time of the Army-Navy football game, and a Christmas pageant are among other special activities NAPS students enjoy.
A registered nurse is on staff during the regular school day for care of routine illness, cuts, scrapes and other minor injuries. Staff members trained in CPR and first-aid are also available during extended care hours. A small health room has been created to give sick children a place to rest and await parents' pickup. All children must be in compliance with the Maryland Health Department Immunization Schedule.
NAPS runs an Extended Care program before and after school hours. Enrollment in the Extended Care program is open during the re-enrollment period (for returning families) and at the beginning of the summer (for new families) for the coming school year, and is subject to staffing and physical space capacities. Extended Care consists of structured play and organized activities, based on age group. We offer before-school care from 7:00 – 7:50 AM. After-school care for full-day students from 2:50 to 5:30 PM. Families may use this service routinely by enrolling in monthly extended care. Occasional, or “drop-in,” use of the extended care program is available when space allows. Whenever possible, parents should make an advance reservation for occasional extended care use, enhancing the likelihood of securing a space. If you fail to cancel such a reservation, NAPS will bill your account at the regular extended care rate.
Students provide their own lunches and beverages. NAPS encourages parents to provide healthy options and adequate portions. Any food or beverage brought to school should be in an unbreakable container that the child can open without assistance; pop-top cans are not allowed. Sodas are not allowed. Heating or refrigeration are not available. All students must also bring a midmorning snack from home. Classroom fundraising activities often include serving a hot lunch to students. Parent volunteers plan and coordinate these programs, and they depend upon volunteer assistance to ensure successful operation. Parents receive information about lunch options and signup forms at the beginning of each semester.
The school is not equipped to prepare lunches. However, any student coming to school without lunch will not go hungry. The school will provide food of the most basic nature and bill the student account $6 for a lunch or $2 for a snack. NAPS may charge additional fees if parents repeatedly fail to provide their child with a lunch. If the school learns about a missing lunch early in the day, the office will contact the student’s parents.
NAPS offers a variety of After-School Enrichment programs each trimester. Registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis, and many programs have a max capacity. Most Enrichments run from 3:00–4:00 PM, and there is a second carpool pickup at 4:00 PM for those students not going to Extended Care. Students in Grades 5-8 are eligible to join our Middle School Sports programs. In the Fall, we offer Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, and Coed Soccer; in the Winter we offer Boys Basketball and Girls Basketball; in the Spring we offer Coed Tennis.
Because NAPS children finish the school year around the Memorial Day weekend, often well in advance of other schools, the school offers a day camp for three weeks beginning as soon as school lets out. The camp features a daily routine of sports, arts & crafts, and water play. In 2024, additional Musical Theatre and Art specific camps were added in the month of July. Offerings are subject to change year to year.
NAPS offers a limited amount of financial assistance to families in need each school year. Those seeking assistance should complete and submit the Financial Aid form during the application process.