Field Trip Fees are billed in two equal installments, one in September and one in January. See the Parent Handbook for more information on field trips. Fees for the upcoming year are set during the summer months.
NAPS offers one morning and one afternoon block of extended care. Parents may register for care on a recurring basis or as a drop-in service. Registration for the 2024-25 School Year is offered to returning families during the re-enrollment period, and then to new families in the first Summer NAPS Newsletter (emailed directly to parents).
Block A: Morning | 7:00 - 7:50 AM
Block B: Afternoon | 2:50 - 5:30 PM
There is a $150 non-refundable enrollment deposit for all block registration.
There is a $25 non-refundable fee each semester for drop-in use of the extended care program. Parents requiring care on an as-needed basis should make their requests as far in advance as possible through the school office and will be served on a space-available basis. Requests should be directed to Penny Moesch at Cancellations must be made by 5:00 PM the day before the reservation or your account will be billed.
Naval Academy Primary School Request for Financial Assistance:
Please complete this form and provide copies of your two most recent federal income tax returns in order to be considered for financial aid for the upcoming academic year. A new form must be submitted to our Admissions office each year for which financial aid is desired.