Admissions Re-Enrollment Period
Category: NAPS Academic Year Calendar
Date: January 22, 2025 12:00 AM - January 31, 2025 12:00 AM
We will begin our re-enrollment period on Wednesday, January 22. A Midweek Message with instructions to enroll your current student(s) in the 2025-26 school year will be emailed on that date. You will also have the opportunity to enroll siblings of current students before we offer spaces to new applicants.
Siblings of current NAPS students receive priority enrollment, but please keep in mind that: preschool students must be age three or older by September 1, 2025 and 100% potty trained; Kindergarten students must be age five or older by September 1, 2025. Siblings are still required to have a completed NAPS application on file. You are encouraged to do this now, and they will be required to participate in the requisite screener day(s) for new students on Saturday, January 25. The application fee is waived for current families.
The Re-Enrollment period will last one week, ending on Thursday, January 30, at which time we will begin acceptance notifications to new students/families.